FÁBRICA MATADERO Y DESPIECE S.A is not only committed to offering its clients the highest quality in its services, but also to scrupulous compliance with current legislation on privacy and the Internet.

That is why, through this notice, the information society services provider is providing the data that it is obligated to make available to consumers and users in accordance with the provisions of art. 10 of Law 34/2002 of 11 July on information society services and electronic commerce, and in accordance with European regulations on Personal Data Protection. This is being done under the following terms and conditions:

1. This website belongs to FÁBRICA MATADERO Y DESPIECE S.A, bearing Tax ID Code A-29119021, with its main office at Camino Santa Inés, 71, 29590 Campanillas (Málaga), and with the e-mail address [email protected]
FÁBRICA MATADERO Y DESPIECE S.A is a company registered with the Málaga Companies Registry with the following registration information: Volume 639, Book 485, Section 3, Page 3.506-A

2. All brands, logotypes, trade names, distinctive signs, services, content, videos, text, photographs, graphs, images, software, links and information of any kind that appears on the website are likewise the property of FÁBRICA MATADERO Y DESPIECE, S.A, and may not therefore be reproduced, distributed, publicly communicated, transformed, or modified without the express written authorisation of the aforesaid company.

FÁBRICA MATADERO Y DESPIECE S.A expressly reserves all rights to reproduce, modify, adapt, publicly communicate, maintain, correct, cede, sell, rent out or loan the website’s content, and to exercise any other intellectual or industrial property right applicable thereto, and exercising any of the aforementioned rights without the express authorisation of the aforesaid company is prohibited.

Creating a link to another page or website does not under any circumstances imply that FÁBRICA MATADERO Y DESPIECE S.A accepts or approves of the content or services thereof, and said company therefore accepts no liability for same.

Anyone seeking to create a link on this website must first request consent from its owner. The owner reserves the right to file claims for any damages that may be caused by creating such a link without the required authorisation.

3. Privacy Policy FÁBRICA MATADERO Y DESPIECE S.A has proceeded to adapt to current personal data protection regulations, adopting all necessary technical and organisational measures to guarantee the security of their clients’ and users’ personal data and prevent their unauthorised alteration, loss, handling or access.

Any personal data collected through this website will be handled faithfully and legally, in accordance with the principles and rights established in Personal Data Protection legislation.

Said data may be included in the FÁBRICA MATADERO Y DESPIECE S.A. database for the specific purposes arising from satisfactory provision of the services requested, and to communicate with you.
Your data may not be ceded to any third party without your consent, barring the exceptions established by law.

Website users may exercise their rights to access, rectification, deletion, and other rights in relation to their data, by writing to FÁBRICA MATADERO Y DESPIECE S.A in an e-mail or letter sent by post, or by appearing in person at the main office indicated at the beginning.

Privacy policy summary:


Purpose: Managing your data to provide services to you, attend to your consultations, send you subscriptions, bill you and/or communicate with you.
Legal Justification Service provision contract and consent of the concerned party.
Recipients Circumstances required by law and data controllers.
Rights To access, rectify and delete the data, as well as other rights as explained in the additional information.
Additional Information See attached text


1. Who is responsible for handling your data?

Identity: FÁBRICA MATADERO Y DESPIECE S.A-Tax ID Code: A-29119021.
Postal Address: Camino Santa Inés, 71, 29590 Campanillas (Málaga).
Telephone No.: +34633824284
E-mail Address: [email protected]

2. Why are your personal data being handled?

Your data will be handled for the purpose of providing you services related to our activity, [sending you] subscriptions, attending to your consultations, billing you and/or communicating with you.

The data being handled are obligatory and you must provide them under all circumstances as otherwise the requested service could not be provided nor could the other outlined aims be fulfilled.

3. How long will your data be stored?

The personal data provided will be stored as long as the contractual relationship remains in force or until the concerned party requests their deletion. Your data will, however, remain blocked throughout the pertinent expiry periods.

4. What is the legal justification for the handling of your data?

The legal basis for the handling of your data is the fulfilment of the service contract.

It is also your consent.

5. To whom will your data be sent?

Due to legal requirements, data is sent to Public Administrations authorised in the matter and to our data controllers (if you would like more information on their identity you may request that from us).

There are no international data transfers.

What are your rights when you send your data?

Your rights are regulated by the General European Data Protection Regulation, that is:

– The right to access and rectify your data, delete them, object to them, limit their treatment, and to their portability.
– The right to revoke consent when it was given for a specific purpose.
– You may exercise these rights by sending a certified letter by post, an e-mail, or in person and in writing at our main office. You may request a form for this purpose from us beforehand if you wish to use one.
– You also have the right to file a claim with the Control Authority if you are unsatisfied with how you have been able to exercise your rights by sending a written request through said Authority’s Registry Office (physically or electronically).
– If you want more detailed information about each one of your rights, you may request it from us through any channel.

7. Where has your data come from?

Your data was received:

– Because you sent it to us directly.

The data being handled may consist in a trade name, names, surnames, identity document, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, postal addresses, bank information or sales information.

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